Welcome to Four Lines! I have a goal I would like to write at least four lines of poetry or a haiku every day for the rest of my life. I'm excited about this challenge! Also, along with my daily poem, I will be reading at least four lines of another author's poetry. I'll try to include that here also. So I'm thinking - how difficult can it be to read and then write one poem a day? We will see! - Claudia
All poems on this blog, unless noted, are written by Claudia Callaghan.
© 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Claudia Callaghan
Used only with permission. Please feel free to join Four Lines and request permission.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What is happening?
What is happening
to our home, our Mother Earth?

What is happening
to her turquoise, clean water?

What is happening
to her pollinating bees?

What is happening
to her awe inspiring wilderness?

What is happening
to her trillions of life giving trees?

What is happening
to her rich farm land?

What is happening?
to her transparent ozone coat?

What is happening
to her unique, amazing animals?

What is happening
to her mountains of glaciers?

What is happening
to her long freezing winters,
to the evenness of her seasons?

What is happening?
What is happening?
Humans swarm and fight over her ground -
multiplying, destroying,
arrogantly, ignorantly.
Some of them love and create from love!
More do not know love and create narrowly.

That is what is happening.
Humans swarm and fight over her ground -
multiplying, destroying,
arrogantly, ignorantly.
Some of them love and create from love!
More do not know love and create narrowly.

What would you do if you were Mother Earth?

What would the hopeful say?
May be she can somehow teach humans
of Love, that all are sacred and One.
May be humans will cease
swarming and fighting, and rise up
to defend her.

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