Welcome to Four Lines! I have a goal I would like to write at least four lines of poetry or a haiku every day for the rest of my life. I'm excited about this challenge! Also, along with my daily poem, I will be reading at least four lines of another author's poetry. I'll try to include that here also. So I'm thinking - how difficult can it be to read and then write one poem a day? We will see! - Claudia
All poems on this blog, unless noted, are written by Claudia Callaghan.
© 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Claudia Callaghan
Used only with permission. Please feel free to join Four Lines and request permission.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Moon and Her Squirrel Acquaintance
Winter of 2020 -

Eye to eye, like in a mirror, they stare,
morning after morning, Moon and her squirrel 
acquaintance, through sliding glass.  

sunflower seeds and walnuts
plated on the snow provide
a delicious lure, a simple cure

for this long, worrying, winter.
I have been warned there is
no hope of friendship,

their near acquaintance doomed
by spring’s opening doors.
A cat hunts till the end.

Yet, Sir Stephen said, “while
there is life, there is hope.”
Doors will open,

screened to be sure,
each day a little more.
The sun will warm the deck,

melt snow, unfurl our luminous
green and blue world.  Perhaps
with sunflower seeds and walnuts

in a distant wood bowl,
a leash to tether Moon,
their near acquaintance

can endure,
eye to eye, morning to morning,
like in a mirror.