I'm sorry Galileo -
backwards politicians of 2012,
the year winter disappeared,
against quality education,
against democracy,
"We the People..."
against universal health care,
against new taxes,
"We the People..."
against separation
of church and state,
against compromise,
"We the People..."
"We the People..."
They talk geocentrically -
cave men, cave women politicians,
detesters of Occupy Wall Street,
against birth control,
against equality,
"We the People..."
against gun control,
against protecting the earth,
"We the People..."
against protecting people,
against protecting animals,
probably against peace,unless it's their piece,
against the whole,
"We the People..."
Next they'll be espousing
on the billion-dollar, corporate, campaign...
Plato, Pythagoras, Eratosthenes
also were wrong.
The earth is flat,
like a coaster.
We the People better
stay clear of the edges
or we'll fall off.
Who am I to criticise?
I tell myself I am not
the center of the universe,
when I think like I am
and act like I am,
almost all day long!
I'm a closet egocentric,
geocentrist who dreams
of believing in,
"We the People..."
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