Oh! My third home, the library -
I'm in the dell room
among deciduous, palm frond,
evergreen books -
hibernating, resting, migrating, blooming.
We are free, baby, free -
we book lovers, learners...
sisters and brothers, living and spirited,
mingling like atoms in one brilliantly built
evolving body.
This home I will fight to keep safe...
though it contains thoughts not my own...
some I deplore - never to open...
some I adore, like music living,
leaping off the page, pitched, melodied,
flowing like a river, down, up, falling, rising,
pooling quiet like the middle of a starry night,
or roaring like a cheering, chanting,
discordant and harmonious crowd.
I'm on an Indian Kayak of my making -
water drenching my face.
I'm carried down stream into the ocean room
where dolphins leap and right whales
bump the side of my kayak staring
curiously into my eyes.
Oh! This home I will fight to keep safe.
We are free, baby, free -
we book lovers, learners...
sisters and brothers, living and spirited,
mingling like atoms in one brilliantly built
evolving body.
Welcome to Four Lines! I have a goal I would like to write at least four lines of poetry or a haiku every day for the rest of my life. I'm excited about this challenge! Also, along with my daily poem, I will be reading at least four lines of another author's poetry. I'll try to include that here also. So I'm thinking - how difficult can it be to read and then write one poem a day? We will see! - Claudia
All poems on this blog, unless noted, are written by Claudia Callaghan.
© 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Claudia Callaghan
Used only with permission. Please feel free to join Four Lines and request permission.
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